October, 2022
This event has ended
Wednesday 2:00 PM – 2:50 PM Pacific Time
Online via Zoom
Session RecordingMaterials
Session MaterialsSession Description
Seamless learning experiences are vital to student success in web-enhanced courses. This session will use a workshop format to show examples of seamless learning experiences, review course design opportunities, and
Session Description
Seamless learning experiences are vital to student success in web-enhanced courses. This session will use a workshop format to show examples of seamless learning experiences, review course design opportunities, and outline strategies to identify OER resources to refine their design to create seamless learning experiences. Participants should be prepared with a class that they would like to revise with OER materials to create a seamless learning experience for their students.
Dr. Todd Waters
Instructional Designer, Whatcom Community College
Todd Waters is Instructional Designer and Faculty at Whatcom Community College in Bellingham, WA. He holds a Ph.D. in higher education assessment and a master’s degree in communication studies.
Andrew Blick
Director of Instructional Design and Curriculum Services, Western Washington University
Andrew Blick is Director of Instructional Design and Curriculum Services in Outreach and Continuing Education at Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA. He is a doctoral candidate in Technical Communication and Rhetoric at Texas Tech University.